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Miss Atomic Power, is the story of two aliens named Dave, a roadside attraction in the Nevada desert, and the 1950’s beauty pageants held in Las Vegas to celebrate the testing of the atomic bomb.


Labeled “a vivid and twisted comedy by playwright Paula Vogel, Miss Atomic Power was selected as a runner-up for the 2021 Yale Drama Series Prize 


In the late 80's Nancy Reagan is touring the country visiting small crime-ridden towns for a transparently puffy P.R campaign. Judy takes place on the fourth of July when a tornado traps  Nancy and her speechwriter, Anthony Dolan, in a particularly unsavory town, forcing them to reckon with the 'degenerates' they condemned at a distance.  JUDY examines what occurs when class lines are intensified in the midst of a statewide-emergency.  

 JUDY was workshopped at Star Barr, and performed at New Ohio's Ice Factory in 2019.  Book & Lyrics co-written with Carsen Joenk, Reed Northrup and Raquel Loving. Music by Nathan Leigh, Graham KG Garlington, J.L. Marlor, and Viraj Gandhi.



This is the story of two endings separated by forty years. This is the story of how when the world as you once knew it crumbles into a pile of meaningless dust, it may be time to sing about clambakes. This is the story of a moment when the only answers could be found in sketchy carnivals in deep woods Maine. This is the story of love that hurts more than we wish it did. This is the story of the making of the infamous musical Carousel. Twice.

Lily was performed as part of the lounge series at Dixon Place, and developed at Williams Town Theatre Festival, under the direction of J. Mehr Kaur. Lily was a finalist for the Clauder Awards and was performed as a workshop by Flannel Theater Company directed, by Rebecca Rovezzi.



Strindberg Vs. Strindberg is a horror-comedy about mental health problems, heartbreak, and DIY chemistry. In 1896, August Strindberg divorced his beloved wife and fled to Germany to do a lot of experimental alchemy in a hotel room that wasn’t super well ventilated.   During this time, Strindberg believed that he could make gold, that he was being followed by his doppelganger, and that he had gained the ability to reanimate a dead cat.  This is all true. We swear.

Co-written with Carsen Joenk, Strindberg Vs. Strindberg was performed as part of China Town Soup's Stag Monday series and developed during and independent residency at The Eugene O'Neill Theater Center.



"I feel invincible like, nothing is bigger than God. If God’s for me, who can be against me?” - Justin Bieber

“I used to freak out at arcades, but now I’m like, whatever.” - Justin Bieber

26 years ago a woman saw God on the freeway. He blessed her with a gift. That gift was Justin Bieber. Born in Canada. Made in America. Swaggy is the story of his rise and fall. 


Co. Written with Reed Northrup, Swaggy was developed during an independent residency at The Eugene O'Neill Theater Center and performed at The Pit's Solocom festival, as well as The Brick's  Trans Theater Festival. 


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